
Happy Valentines Day!

Well being single today is not my favorite day; that being said it was not the worst day. I was in Las Vegas with my family and my mom and sister always make an effort to remind me how loved I am. Also, I was hit on by the man next to me in the plane. (Awkward!) But, I do think I will share my most recent "single" story. I makes me smile and being Valentines we all need to smile.
We went out to lunch after church with the gang (William, his friend My Phillip, Trevor, Todd - his 3 kids Hailey 6, Jacob 3, & Becca 2, Chris, & his friends Perry & Amy). It ended up that I sat at the kid’s end which is silly all on its own because as Trevor pointed out "I hate children." (jk. another story for another time). The oldest child Hailey and I were talking when the waitress asked who went on whose tab and I said I was by myself. She then turned to me and said "You don't need to be by yourself anymore. You should have someone to bring to lunch." Amen sister Hailey!

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