
Are you ready for some football!!!

I just got home from the Harrisons (love them) where they hosted a fabulous Super Bowl party! It was with the refuge group (The juniors from Oak Hills Church) that I hang with every Sunday night. It is always shocking how God can use things like a super bowl party to build relationships. Tonight was one of the best nights with my girls. They were so open with me, some of it broke my heart; but it was such a great place to start this semester. We had tossed around the idea of a sex study and well let’s just say we will start one ASAP!! All that said the part of the game I watched was actually entertaining. I don't really care about professional sports, but watching the boys get so worked up made it more fun! Hope everyone else enjoyed the 2nd biggest football day of the year (1st clearly being the aTm/tu game!).

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