
My Love Life!!

Yeah from the title juiciness seems promised but that is exactly the opposite. I watched the wedding date the other night. If you haven't seen it I will summarize. An attractive but jaded workaholic woman hires an escort (yes that is a nice word for whore) to escort her to a wedding. As predicted they fall in love after many trials and miscommunications. It is a cute movie, and definitely worth watching. The point of my rambling is a quote from the movie. "Every woman has the exact love life she wants."
At first I scoffed at the notion that the love life I want is one of few dates (especially in the last couple of years) and never having a true love at 29. Yes, this a sad but accurate summary of my dating life. Well, I somewhat see that at the heart of the matter, I am too guarded to fall, to even see the ledge. What is one to do - E-harmony (bleh-throw up sound), date below me just to date, no. I think it is to believe that someone is out there designed to deal with my flaws and to have me love theirs. It is this hope that I can't let go of, but also I am seeing that with out action to improve myself my love live summary will continue to be painfully accurate! Oh well, I am sure I will delete this post soon. I am not one for vulnerability, but for now here it is. You never know this may the beginning of honesty.

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